Outdoor Badge Reader
  • Battery operated, totally wireless

  • Dual tamper function

  • Transmits check-in/status signal every 8 minutes
  • ' /> Videofied BR 250 Wireless Outdoor Proximity Badge Reader, MIFARE Class, 13.56MHz, 1K or 4K Badges
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    Videofied BR 250 Wireless Outdoor Proximity Badge Reader, MIFARE Class, 13.56MHz, 1K or 4K Badges

    Brand: Videofied
    ADI #:BR250 Model #: BR250  Name: Videofied BR 250 Wireless Outdoor Proximity Badge Reader, MIFARE Class, 13.56MHz, 1K or 4K Badges
    • S²View - Spread Spectrum, Videofied, Interactive AES Encrypted Wireless technology provides optimum signal integrity and security.
    • Mobility - Use outdoors or indoors with a fully weather proof housing with standing temperatures from -25° to +70°C
    • Displays two LED flashes along with a series of beeps to identify the armed or disarmed status.

    Product Information

    140 mm


    Indoor, Outdoor
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