The MEQ Blue is a passive infra-red (PIR) detector which works by constantly monitoring the infra-red energy levels around a room and recognizing a change caused by the entry of an intruder. The detector will then inform the panel which will initiate the alarm condition. The MEQ Blue offers superb false alarm immunity and is ideal for most commercial or domestic applications, with proven excellence in terms or reliability and value for money. The revolutionary blue LED is stylish and modern and a great addition to any interior. This subtle and contemporary detector complements any décor. The MEQ Blue provides superior false alarm immunity by filtering out sunlight and car headlights using a White Light filter. In addition, Pyronix has developed a system known as IFT which adjusts the sensitivity thresholds of the device to compensate for varying background temperatures. The sensitivity of the MEQ Blue can also be adjusted by installers to suit the environment by using the Pulse Count feature. State of the art production methods at Pyronix include a process known as SMT. This ensures a consistently high quality of product and protects against problems caused by radio frequencies. This means that potential false alarms as a result of radio waves such as those emitted from emergency service transmitters are minimised.