Improved electronic design and the use of a new, custom designed piezoelectric transducer have enabled current consumption to be reduced to as little as 6mA at 24Vdc. There is a local volume switch on each unit to allow individual sounders to be increased as necessary to suit every application.
The 32 tone version has all the major worldwide tones including AFNOR, DIN and NEN spec tones. With a wide operating frequency range of 440Hz to 2900Hz, the installer has maximum flexibility. The tone list matches the popular VTG and VTB spatial sounders allowing a uniform sound across the installation.
The standard 24Vdc units operate from 12 - 30Vdc. Standard on all VSO products is a second stage alarm allowing alert and evacuate signals to be switched via the CIE. If the unit is not being used in conjunction with a detector, a lockable cover plate can be fitted to convert the unit into a stand-alone wall or ceiling mounted sounder.